Earl de Blonville
In a world of increasing threats, we need to continually safeguard ourselves.
We screen for cancer, insure our property and protect our passwords.
But now we face an extraordinary new threat: cyberstalking.
Soon, hundreds of professional careers will be damaged.
So is there any way we can protect ourselves?
Cyberstalking is not simply a possible threat: it’s here now and growing fast.
Last year 63 million people were stalked in the US. In the UK it was 600,000.
In Australia, people are already suffering.
Cyberstalking hits victims like a fast spreading cancer: one that can’t be stopped.
Cyberstalking destroys careers, reputations, relationships and victims’ sanity.
Soon, just like cyber bullying, it could be claiming lives.
Who is at risk? Basically anyone with a name.
How does it work? The victim has his or her life stripped bare.
What does this mean? Basically, if you’re hit, your life will stop.
Why is this? Your life is taken over by your cyberstalker.
Earl de Blonville is now an expert on cyberstalking.
He has survived a year of horror and loss.
Now he is helping others to be prepared.
Earl’s personal story of how America’s #1 cyberstalker operates will amaze you.
And how an international team of victims fought track will inspire you.
Earl tells just how easy it is for someone else to destroy your life.
And he explains how to rethink your entire online presence.
But when you’re hit, you will need his advice on how to survive.
And surviving means rebuilding your life from the wreckage.
Earl believes that every professional and executive is potentially at risk.
If you employ or rely on important people, can you afford to lose them?
Your best defence against this internet cancer is to book Earl today to speak with your people.
The future of your business could rest with your employees and principals.
Let them know what they can do today to avoid the supreme cost tomorrow.
Mr. Burgan, I believe I am the alleged "cyberstalker" to whom Mr. de Blonville refers when describing himself as a victim. The facts do not support that allegation in any way, shape or form. Mr. de Blonville has adopted this tactic of claiming to be a victim in order to avoid answering basic questions about his own professional claims and record. Since you represent Mr. de Blonville commercially, I am sure you would want to personally assure yourself of the authenticity of your client's story. Feel free to contact me at rett139@yahoo.com. Kent Madin